Organized Networking -- Did You Know That You Can Download Your Network Contacts Out Of LinkedIn?
For a job seeker, it is hard to get organized about networking. Most job seekers approach networking without a real plan. Instead of a...

One Surefire Way to Give Back in Networking
How many times have you heard about the “power of networking” in job search? Stats are quoted that up to 80% of jobs are found this way....

When Should I Follow-Up? Quit Playing the Guessing Game
It is rough to be a job seeker for a lot of reasons, but probably one of the major reasons is that hiring managers and recruiters often...

Too Busy to Maintain Your Network? Try this!
One of the battle cries of any good career coach is to try to underscore the vital importance of maintaining your network while you are...

Confused about LinkedIn – Try this!
LinkedIn is a powerful, amazing career management and job search tool. It has been a game changer for many people in their efforts to...

Google Knows Everything….
“Google knows everything” is one of my husband’s favorite sayings. He actually may be onto something! Google can be a lifesaver for a...

Attention Job Seekers – Make it Easy for Recruiters to Contact to You!
Job search can be hard. In fact, it can be grueling. The greatest hope of many job seekers is that a recruiter will find them on...

Don’t Make this Mistake on LinkedIn
Keep Your "Stealth Job Search" Secret with this one little trick.... Ok, you have had it at work and you have decided it is time to make...

Vanity is a Good Thing
In a quick glance, a recruiter or another LinkedIn member can often if tell is someone is a novice with LinkedIn. One of the dead...

Get Unstuck and Get Out in the Job Market
Clients often feel trapped in their current company because they have no idea where their skills are valuable or transferable. With a...